SIU's Shopping Center Product protects rental property owners from legal action. Our strong team of underwriting professionals are here to help you place all of your shopping center needs!
- Coverage Highlights
- Requirements
- Business owners package coverage form that automatically includes over 15 unique coverage enhancements
- Up to $5,000,000 in total Property Values
- Business Income coverage offered on an Actual Loss Sustained basis up to $250,000
- Up to $1,000,000/$2,000,000 in General Liability limits
- Ability to entertain restaurant tenants with commercial cooking exposures
- Ability to consider public or private parking exposures
- New class for Land Leased to Others, up to 1,000 acres
- Up to 25,000 square feet
- Up to 3 stories
- Eligible tenants include retail, restaurants, service, office, apartment tenants and more