Ocean Cargo

Worldwide Coverage for all of a company's shipments including domestic transit and warehouse storage. Ocean Cargo opportunities can typically be found in any Commercial book of business that has manufacturing, wholesalers, retailers (brick & mortar or internet), distributors, or any company that ships goods anywhere. For US only Regional Distributors a domestic transit only cargo policy is available with broader coverage than an Inland Marine Policy.

The SIU Ocean Marine staff would like to make doing business with SIU as easy as possible for the agency to grow revenue and build a partnership with SIU. Whether it’s fielding a phone call or email from an agent, or getting on a conference call with your client in order to help the Agent earn the Insured’s business, SIU is there for you!

  • Control over claims
  • Lower premium and broader coverage vs. UPS/Fed Ex and/or a freight forwarder
  • Tailored coverage for their business
  • Round out an account and establishes the Agent as expert risk advisor for the Insured!
  • Accounts are easy to find: look through the Agency's commercial book and there WILL be accounts
  • Accounts are easy to quote: only a few pieces of information are necessary to get a quote-- commodity, shipping to/from, limit needed, loss history, domestic transit/warehouse info
  • Premium growth potential: as the Insured grows, so will the Agent's revenue!
  • Enhanced commission from 10% to 12.5% once an agent binds either 5 new accounts or $25,000 in premium
  • Experts on staff to assist with identifying ocean cargo opportunities
  • Quotes, Binders and Policy Documents available almost instantaneously




Phone: 678.498.4500
Toll Free: 800.568.1700
Fax: 678.498.4600
Southern Insurance Underwriters, Inc.
4500 Mansell Road
Alpharetta, GA 30022

©2024 Southern Insurance Underwriters, Inc
